ZumiiKaboom - User Story
Learn more about Vtuber Zumiikaboom's path to streaming!

🔴 kick.com/zumiikaboom
Why did you start Streaming?
I started streaming in 2018 on another platform.
Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to entertain – whether it was dancing, singing, or even making funny skits which I would maybe one day post to YouTube.
I remembered the feeling I had gotten when I showed my parents, and it made them laugh. It was one of those moments you never forget.
Streaming only lasted for a few months, and I really liked sharing my gameplay with just about anyone who would watch. I had one friend who kept me going and who said this was perfect for me; they encouraged me and reminded me why I wanted to start in the first place.
Unfortunately, I was overcome by doubt and many insecurities. When you grow older, things can become less simple, and you start to realize you were fearless as a kid. I had too many demons that made me want to run away from something that made me happy.
What made you stream on Kick?
In 2023 in June I found Big E who introduced me to another platform I had never heard of, which was Kick. At this time I was feeling inspired to give it a try again. To me, I will always want to stream. I will always want to make someone smile, even if it's just one person.
I remember the instant I streamed. I had someone in my chat I had never met and we talked awhile. The next day I had 50 viewers. Something I had never seen before or even thought could happen. The possibilities had opened up and the seed of hope had sprouted, although I did just receive terrible news.
My mother had been battling cancer for years, and in July she had passed away. I was a very closed off person and couldn't bring myself back to the bubbly girl people knew on stream. I was also too stubborn to talk about it with anyone. I couldn't bring myself to stream until late December and even then I had no idea what I was doing. I did promise myself I would try my best no matter what. Life is too short and we have to make every moment count.
Being on Kick has brought immeasurable happiness. The community is amazing, the content creators are welcoming, and the staff do their hardest to make this a diverse space for everyone involved. This is absolutely my home, no doubt. Five months in, 551 followers, and so many to thank for their wonderful contributions and time. I would not be where I am without Kick and the community.
What kind of Content do you Create?
I am a variety gaming streamer. I play anything and everything. I enjoy being able to share experiences and moments with my viewers, whether it's because I fell in Only Up and it brings laughter, or a jump scare in a horror game. I also do enjoy just chatting with my viewers. We could truthfully talk for hours about anything.

What are your top tips for live streaming?
1. I would say, don't invest in fancy streaming equipment right away. Invest in only the vital things for your streaming set up, because truthfully you may not even know if you want to stream all the time yet. I would say give it a try for a month or so and then start planning ahead.
2. Don't invest yourself into the number of viewers you have or may not have. This can, at times, impact the way you present yourself on stream. There was a time I remember focusing on the viewers and, without realizing it, I wasn't into my gameplay or as enthusiastic as I could of been if I didn't focus on the numbers.
3. Dedicate yourself and see it like a job if that is what you want in the future. When I say this I mean prepare and create a schedule, become consistent.
4. Don't compare yourself to other streamers. Streamers work hard to get where they are and within time if you stick to it you too will see the fruits of your labor.
5. Be yourself and not somebody else. Your community will come. And when they do, you will thank yourself for not trying to be someone else. They didn't stay and become part of your community because you put on a face that wasn't yours.
Streaming Schedule
My streaming schedule is every other day! I am really aiming for verification right now!
🔴 kick.com/zumiikaboom