Kick Picks

Stream on Kick for a chance to be selected as a "Kick Pick", where you can receive 100 gifted subs from the Kick Team & a chance to be featured on the front page!

Kick Picks

Weekly Event to Highlight Exceptional Talent

Every week, on our special “Kick Picks Day”, we’re dedicated to giving our amazing streamers a chance to shine even brighter.

Selection Process: Finding Top Streamers

Here’s how it all goes down: Throughout the week, our team will be on the lookout for awesome Kick streamers. We're searching for those with top-notch content, lively chats, and personalities that pop.

Winner Selection and Surprise Announcement

The winners will be chosen during random days of the week, and we’ll let them know whilst they’re live!

Voting and Rewarding the Stars of the Week

Our lovely Kick staff will come together to vote on 4 streamers to be our stars of the week. These lucky streamers get an hour on the front page. And as a sweet bonus, we shower them with 100 gifted subscriptions each!

Announcing the Winners

At the end of every week, Kick Picks winners will be announced on and @KickCommunity on X (Twitter)!

Eligibility Criteria

What makes you eligible? To be eligible, all you need is to have affiliate status on Kick to receive subs!