TriiGz - User Story

Read more about TriiGz's live streaming story on Kick!

TriiGz - User Story


Why did you start Streaming?

I have always had a strong passion for gaming, I started streaming back in 2016 as a way to broadcast Halo tournaments that I was playing in. I quickly fell in love with the whole content creation aspect of gaming and moved away from competitive gaming to streaming and making videos.

What made you stream on Kick?

As someone who has been streaming for a while, I heard of Kick pretty early on. I made a name for myself on Destiny 2 and saw that there really wasn't anybody streaming it over on Kick yet.

TriiGz streaming Destine 2 on Kick

With everything Kick was saying and doing it felt refreshing to try out a platform that is actually focused on the creators. There was just a different feeling here on Kick compared to other platforms.

A feeling that as a creator what you do over here actually has an impact and is noticed. I did my first stream on Kick on January 21st of 2023 as just a test that was only supposed to be for 5 minutes but I ended up loving the platform and streaming for hours.

Now here I am coming up on a year over here on Kick. I have been the top Destiny streamer since I made the changeover and have helped so many different Destiny streamers on Kick reach Affiliate status.

What kind of Content do you Create?

I have made almost 2,000 videos on Destiny 2 based on teaching people how to get the best weapons and armor as well as teaching all the different activities in the game.

TriiGz receiving the LACONIC Weapon Ornament playing Destiny 2 on Kick

I use these videos to promote that I do help with all these activities over on Kick.

Doing so I have gained over 2,000 followers already on Kick. My content on Kick is primarily focused on Destiny 2 and helping people in the game. I have helped over 10,000 players in the game get through all the different activities in the game such as Raids, Dungeons, Exotic weapons, and really about anything you could think of in the game I have probably helped somebody with it.

What are your top tips for live streaming?

My top tips for people streaming is to find a way to make your stream stand out to others. You have to remember everyone that who clicks on your stream is taking the time out of their day to enjoy your content. Time is very limited and you need to give your audience a reason to keep tuning into your streams on a daily basis.

People have lives, jobs, families, and other things they need to focus on and when they join your stream they are looking to be entertained or want an escape. There are so many other things that these people could be doing but they are watching your stream and we need to be grateful for that.

Another tip I have is to make videos that will make people want to go into your stream. For example, when new Exotic Weapons come out in Destiny 2 I make YouTube videos and TikToks that promote my stream and that I am going to be doing help for these live on my Kick stream. Not that many people are going to find your stream just by browsing a category.

This is what I see streamers struggle with the most - "initial growth". I was in the same boat. I was streaming for 8-12 hours per day and not making content on any other platform for years and had little growth.

I was always asking myself "Why is my channel not growing?" However, once I started creating videos this changed. I was getting multiple followers a day even while I wasn't live because of these videos. I capitalized on this and have been doing so ever since. Work hard, don't make excuses for your channel not growing, and have fun.

Streaming Schedule

I stream every day around 10am EST
