Site Updates - 21/4/2023
Chat History, Emote Panel Fix, Bug Fixes

Full Changelog
- Chat history - now when entering a stream, see the last 50 messages in the channel on web
- Fixed issue with emote panel horizontal scroll
- Removed the ability to add a _ at the end of usernames
- Fixed typo in gifted sub message
- Patched bug where users were able to update their usernames as often as they wanted
- Fixed issue where banned users were losing the channels they followed when unbanned
- Fixed issue where links in chat were not showing as underlined
- Fixed issue where some users could not turn email notifications off
- Fixed issue where categories in the creator dashboard modal were way too large
- Fixed issue where chat input remained locked when timeout timer was at 0 seconds
- Fixed issue where some users were not able to send messages in certain chats
- Fixed sorting issues on banned user list Refactored creator dashboard activity feed