MeganAutomatic - User Story

Learn more about MeganAutomatic live streaming journey on Kick

MeganAutomatic - User Story


Why did you start Streaming?

My other half, JoMamaSpears, started streaming and I was a moderator for him as well as 30+ others. I spent so much time in other people’s chats that I ended up with enough followers to hit affiliate myself. I just needed to put the time in!

What made you stream on Kick?

iGypc kept posting about it so I gave it a chance in February 2023. What really ended up keeping me there was the AAPI month front page features in May. I was finally being recognized for being the Asian American I am. Just a small streamer in Hawai‘i, being featured each stream. It was incredible.

What kind of Content do you Create?

MeganAutomatic streaming Apex Legends on Kick

I’m mostly into FPS games, but a lot of my viewers come to watch me sing and vibe. I’m hoping to continue branching out into Horror, MMORPGs, and IRL content.

What are your top tips for live streaming?

I would say to give yourself grace. It’s not easy being upbeat every stream, but don’t be hard on yourself. Keep up with chat as best as you can and treat everyone like they’re important. Just don’t beat yourself up if you’re not the most extroverted person out there!

Streaming Schedule

I’m typically on 8pm HST / 10pm PST and I can stream anywhere from 5 hrs to 15 hrs! I haven’t gotten the exact days figured out with work and the small business I run on the side, but I always shoot for 3+ streams per week!
