JotaBop - User Story
Read more about JotaBop's Live Streaming Story on Kick

Why did you start Streaming?
I've always been an entertainer through dancing from the age of 7 years old to my online persona as an influencer. I was told in high school on a test for future career paths that I was meant to be an entertainer, which blew me away! Before this test, I had performed at the Olympic opening ceremonies for my province and had been teaching some classes through my parents' dance studio.
Finding out about streaming was perfect for me, it checks all the boxes like playing video games and entertaining people. Hopefully, one day soon I can achieve my goal of becoming a streamer for Kick full-time.
What made you stream on Kick?

I started on Twitch and with very little growth after months and months of 10-hour or even 12-hour streams due to the discoverability on Twitch being not very good.
Someone whom I met streaming on Kick told me about the amazing perks Kick offers like better discoverability, and more revenue share meaning I could be closer to my dream job... HECK YEAH! So I did what anyone with a goal to stream full-time did and switched over and so far it has been great!
What kind of Content do you Create?

I stream and create a variety of content! I play games such as Valorant and CSGO 2. I produce music! sometimes even listening to viewers' songs they made, I also react to content submitted to me.
What are your top tips for live streaming?
Keep your end goal in mind and keep pushing, even for me I am a very small streamer and I have been at it for 2 years now. Kick is continuing to change my life with the platform's amazing perks! My advice ? ... USE KICK!
Streaming Schedule
Daily, as I am very busy most of the time I stream when I can, Until I can stream full time I won't be able to have a proper schedule.